Product Details

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  • Product Deatil
  • Co. Name:Creative Engineers
  • Brand:Malhar Pump
  • Category:Water Meter

Water Meter

Malhar Pump

We have developed a commendable number of honored clients from around the world by offering them a perfect range of products. The satisfaction of our clients is our prime motive and we have attained it by timely delivery of our superlative products at competitive prices.

  • Water Distribution Network industrial Commercial water supply
  • Hot water meters (90°c)
  • Pulse output water meters.
  • Water meter with EEC Mark
  • Water meter suitable for ETP/Dirty water.
  • Dirt Box (15 mm to 500 mm)
  • Leak proof and sealed totaliser
  • Magnetic drive.
  • Repairable without interrupting water supply.
  • Removable mechanism ensures easy maintenance.
  • Totaliser protected by metallic cover.
  • Reliable sensitive metrology and low pressure loss.

Water Meter