Product Details

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  • Co. Name:Creative Engineers
  • Brand:Malhar Pump
  • Category: energy, electricity


Malhar Pump

We have developed a commendable number of honored clients from around the world by offering them a perfect range of products. The satisfaction of our clients is our prime motive and we have attained it by timely delivery of our superlative products at competitive prices.

  • India Mark II Hand pump is the largest selling hand pump in the word and is used in many countries of the world as the backbone of their community water supply. It is suitable for a depth of up to 50 Meters.
  • The following components are available:
    1. Connecting Rods
    2. Riser Pipes
    3. Cylinder Assembly with all components
  • The Entire above ground components are strong and study. India Mark II Pump works on the positive displacement principle, hence the discharge remains constant irrespective or the depth of bore. India Mark II Hand pumps are available in different weight variants. It is available with either color or zinc coating
  • MALHAR pump operates on compressed air of 4 to 6 kg/ cm
  • Adjustable flow rate
  • Self-priming
  • Easy to lubricate
  • Easy to maintain
  • Light weight.