Product Details

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  • Product Deatil
  • Co. Name:Creative Engineers
  • Brand:Malhar Pump
  • Category: “MP” SERIES


Malhar Pump

We have developed a commendable number of honored clients from around the world by offering them a perfect range of products. The satisfaction of our clients is our prime motive and we have attained it by timely delivery of our superlative products at competitive prices.

  • Public utilities
    • For pumping muddy water, sewage, polluted liquids, solid and in swimming pool. • Dewatering Basements, Trenches, Construction sites. • Onboard shift, as bilge, for desk wash & engine cooling • Tiles & Marble factories, effluent plants.
  • Mobile Machinery :
    • Cooling water for marine engines and shovels. • Any application where priming is to be avoided.
  • Industry :
    • Transfer of clean or dirty neutral, acid or alkali liquids containing sand, mud or solids in suspension; clean or dirty low viscosity petroleum product or solvents; milk of lime, caustic soda; washing, cooling, circulation; smoke scrubbing; emergency duty.
  • Civil engineering :
    • Flood drainage; sewage pumping; fire fighting; recovery of dangerous liquids.
  • Naval duty :
    • Loading and unloading; bilge pumping; washing, fire fighting, stripping, sanitary duty and circulation.
  • Waste treatment:
    • pumping polluted, hot or corrosive waste water containing sand, mud or solids in suspension; dosing neutralizing liquids; pumping out settled sludge.
  • Construction industry :
    • Dewatering excavation, canals or ponds; ground water dewatering with well point system or drains; water supply from wells or canals; hosing down concrete castings.
  • Agriculture :
    • Surface irrigation; liquid manure oxygenation; transfer and spraying liquid manure or fertilizers, distribution of liquid animal feed; transfer of must; washing